Quicksearch can be used when searching for an individual member. You may also use this menu when you’re creating a new member manually.

Search field #
In the search field (1), enter the data you want to search for. The different search criteria that can be used are:
- Membership number
- First name and last name, individually or combined
- Address
- Place
- E-mail address
- Phone number
Enter one of the categories above that you want to search, then press the Search button to the right of the field or the Enter key on your desktop.
Table of result #
- The results table (2) shows the results based on your search. Depending on the number of hits, there may be a page 2 or 3.
- It is possible to set how many are to be displayed per page. In the example image, 100 hits per page are shown.
- In the dropdown menu, you can adjust what should be displayed in the table. You can both add and remove categories.

- It is also possible to sort from low to high or from A – Z and vice versa by pressing the different categories.

- To access the details of a member, click on the line and member you want to see the details of. You will then be taken to the Member edit page for that particular member. In the example below, we have taken Lena.

Create member #
With the Create member button (3), it is possible to create a new member directly in the system without having to go through the Member registration link. This button is also found under the Advanced Search menu.
QA #
Q: Why can’t I find some members when I search?
A: Depending on which companies you have access to as an administrator, you will only be able to search for and meet members of the companies and associated sub-companies to which you have access.
Ex. There are two companies, Alpha and Beta. Alva is the administrator and only has rights to the company Alfa. Alfa has an underlying association called Alfa Omega. When Alva does a search for a member who is in Beta, she will not get a hit because Alva lacks access to Beta.
Should Alva, on the other hand, search for a member that is under Alfa Omega, Alva will get a hit on the member because she has access to Alfa, which includes Alfa Omega.