In order to be able to register for an company, a membership is required. The membership can either be free or cost money. Register one or several members in the same process (family membership).

Create a new membership article #

Let’s divide the article into two parts, Article setup and Member settings.

Article setup #

  1. Click on the Store menu.
  2. Click the New Article button.
  3. Enter a name that you want to name the article under Article name.
  4. Under Description, you may add a text to describe the article.
  5. Priority is currently not used and can therefore be skipped.
  6. If you have an image that you want to associate with the product, it is fine to upload this under Image on article.
  7. Currency is set in either SEK/EUR/USD.
  8. Under Price, enter the price for the membership. In cases where membership is free, enter 0 (zero).
  9. You can select different VAT rate under VAT in items where VAT is added. VAT will be included in the amount presented in the article.
  10. Accounting section can be skipped if not needed.
  11. Minimum allowed age. This will be displayed further down again and can therefore be left blank here.
  12. Tags can be left blank. 

Member setup #

  1. Send email at purchase can be left blank. There are settings under the System menu to control confirmations if needed.
  2. Member type can be left blank.
  3. Under Minimum Allowed Age and Maximum Allowed Age you can set age restrictions for whom this membership should be visible to. By setting an age here, the membership will either be displayed or not displayed depending on the registrant’s age.
  4. Active means that the membership article will be displayed during a new registration or renewal if this box is checked.

  5. Is member fee defines that the membership article is a membership. When you check this box, a sub-option appear.
    Is family member fee = Should be marked if it should be possible to register several members who are related to one member at the same time.
    Is pre-selected for new members = If this is checked, the membership article will always be automatically pre-selected when a new member is registering.
  6. “Membership applies …” Here you choose for how long the membership article willy apply. You can choose between number of days, a fixed calendar year or your own defined date range.
  7. Here you connect the membership article with the next article.
  8. Next period renewal means what the next period after this membership has expired is, in most case, the following year.
  9. Click Save article button to save the membership article.
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Updated on 2023-03-29